Direct Response Academy

Campaign Management
Training On-Site
Call Center Training
Feasibility Analysis
Infomercial Production
Media Optimization
Infomercial Marketing
Radio Direct Response
Infomercial Vendors
Brand Response Advertising
Financial Analysis

What We Do
About DRA
The DRA's Clients
Contact Us

Direct Response Academy Clients
































































Welcome! You will find a wealth of information on our site to help you understand and implement the best practices of direct response marketing. 

Whether you are from a Fortune 500 corporation, an entrepreneur or a direct response marketing professional, our site and our programs offer the very best direct response education and project management available. 

If you need a 360-degree total immersion in direct response marketing - or a deeper understanding of creative production, media buying or vendor accountability - you have come to the right website.  Take a look around and feel free to contact us for more information
. About the Academy..

Meet Greg Sarnow at

MTC Expo

Greg Sarnow

Greg Sarnow

Direct Response Academy
Austin, TX

Greg Sarnow is the founder of the Direct Response Academy, He specializes in project management, feasibility analysis and on-site direct response operations and training. 

“I have been fortunate enough to sit on each side of the table as a marketer, entrepreneur, president of a publicly held company, owner of a media buying agency and a call center.“

With more than 25 years of experience I have been able to help many marketers and trained most DRTV company employees on the best practices of direct to consumer marketing.

Considered a direct response strategist, Greg has advised ad agencies, marketers and media buyers on direct response marketing. He served as president of American Television Time for eight years, as well as Infusion Brands, and is responsible for buying more than $1 billion of DRTV media for hundreds of clients, including Fortune 500 companies like Avon, Rubbermaid, Sears, Toshiba and Chase.

Clients come to us to launch a product online or to use DRTV, media management and operational support.
Greg has been a basketball coach and still has fun playing regularly. He also enjoys working and playing with all kind of teams. 

Retargeting and Remarketing in a Cross-Plataform World
Building Communities Around Brands
Making Amazon Work
Managing Your Social Media Campaign
What Do We Do With All Of This Data?

direct response academy phone number

Our Next Course:

Sponsored by
RESPONSE / MTC Expo 2018

DRTV Campaign Management &
Boot Camp

April 23 - 24, 2018

Hilton Bayfront Hotel
San Diego, CA


Direct Response Television
Advertising and Ecommerce Integration Boot-Camp.

Click here to
register now!

April 23rd :
9:00 am - 5:00 pm

April 24th :
9:00 am - 1:00 pm

For more information:

infomercial academy phone number





DRA Can Help

Campaign Management

Campaign & Project Management

On-Site Training

DRTV Feasibility Analysis

Public Courses

Project Development

Vendor Training

Direct Response Television
Management Boot Camp

Increase your ROI by managing
media buying correctly

What are the key elements to a
well-managed direct response

How can I set up the proper
back-end infrastructure when I
have a campaign that tested

Improving project results with
vendor training & management

Direct Response Advertising


Entry Paths


Feasibility & Financial

DRTV Production

DRTV Media

Branding with DRTV

DRTV Campaign Management

DRTV Feasibility

Which path is the best for you? Royalty, Partnership or

What are the necessary
components to building a
profitable DRTV campaign?

How can I tilt the odds in my
favor for a DRTV launch?

Which format is better for my
project: short-form or long-form infomercial?

What do VC and angel investors
need to know before investing in direct response marketing?

DRA Feasibility Analysis

Public Courses

DRTV Management Boot Camp

Winning the Media Game

DR Production Strategies & Management

Financial DR Management: From Scorekeeping to Strategy

Bringing Your Media In-House

Infomercial Production

Should my ad agency produce my Direct Response TV spots?

Why does a DRTV production cost so much less?

How to choose the best producer for your project.

What are the most important components of an infomercial?

How do I build credibility for my product using DRTV?

On-Site Training

Ad Agency Training

DRTV Media Buying Training & Management

Telemarketing Training

Bringing Your Media In-House

DRTV Training for DR Service Providers

Branding With DRTV

DRTV Media Expertise

Branding vs. Selling AND Branding

General Advertising or Direct Response Advertising?

Why do ad agencies need DRTV training?

Can my ad agency produce our DR spot or infomercial?

Blended Media Strategies: Using DRTV for accountable advertising and "general ad" for reach and frequency

Can I buy the media for my campaign in-house?

Why are there no media budgets for DRTV Campaigns?

How do I choose the best media buyer for my campaign?

Is DRTV media really 70-80% less expensive than general ad media?

Winning the Media Game

The Best Service Providers

Radio Direct Response

Best Way To Launch A DRTV Project Campaign



Media Buyers/Media Software




How effective is Radio DR in building brands?

Can direct response radio be integrated with DRTV?

What are the reasons that someone usually chooses to market with Radio DR?

DRTV Finance

What are the capital requirements for DRTV Projects?

What are the financial requirements to prove concept?

Are there investors looking for direct response projects?

Once I have good media test results, where can I get money to roll-out?

Financial DR Management: From Scorekeeping to Strategy


When is a long-form infomercial more appropriate than a commercial-length spot?

Who should I pick to produce my infomercial?

How will an infomercial impact retail sales?

One-on-One Marketing

Accountable Advertising

Branding vs. Branding AND Selling